CPD Activities

For more information regarding the CPD points system, feel free to download the document down below...
Take note -
These guidelines are not 
necessarily applicable for dually qualified Speech-Language Therapists and Audiologists.

RuReSA members also get notice of new CPD courses via Facebook & Google Group or the "news" page on the web.
CPD Point System Document

National organisations

  • Autism SA offers two 3 day workshops on practical and experimental handling of people with autism
  • Club Physio an international club for online and real time courses for physiotherapists and some courses on ethics
  • Developmental Gym offers an online resource centre and blog spot as well as courses on physiotherapy for children with movement disorders
  • Disabilities Study Africa offers short courses, and an M.Phil in Disability Studies focusing on disability as a human rights issue
  • Life Rehabilitation Continuing Programme for Neuro-Rehabilitation
  • National Association for Persons with Cerebral Palsy (NAPCP) will provide courses and workshops on request
  • Occupational Therapy Association of South African (OTASA)  provides a calendar of events, guidance on the CEU points system, CEU service providers and  a means to establish a CEU system at your practice site
  • South African Institute for Sensory Integration (SAISI) training in SI testing and intervention
  • South African Neurodevelopmental Therapy Association (SANDTA) introductory and advanced course for people working with children with CP or adults with brain trauma
  • South African Society of Hand Therapists (SASHT) open to therapists, assistants and students
  • South African Society of Physiotherapists (SASP) provide a calendar of events, guidance on the CEU points system, CEU service providers and  a means to establish a CEU system at your practice site
  • South African Speech-Language-Hearing Association (SASLHAguidance on the CEU points system, CEU service providers and  a means to establish a CEU system at your practice site
  • Tinyhandz has courses in signing with young children and people with special needs

CPD Online

  • Clinical Solutions correspondence course and real time workshops. Mainly physiotherapy but some general courses and ethics
  • CPD Direct  for Allied Health Professions. Free registration and access to tutorials, including ethics. Online submissions and certificates issued quickly.
  • AOSIS E-CPD offers a range of health related courses and a journal
  • World Federation for Physical Therapy provides access to journals (free) and online courses
  • Occupational Therapy Association of South African (OTASA)


  • All Provinces: check the professional association web sites for Special Interest Groups and Provincial Sub Groups in your area
  • Mpumalanga: Join the email network advertising courses and jobs
  • Western Cape: Western Cape Rehabilitation Centre (WCRC) provide regular training on Seating and Bobath techniques