International Research Resources
The World Health Organisation (WHO) is an excellent source of disability data and rehabilitation policies & guidelines. They have a specific interest in community rehabilitation and capacity development
The UN Economic & Social Commission for Asia & the Pacific UNESCAP has publications on disability including needs assessment, indicators, inclusion, and the social effects of disability
The African Studies Centre in Leiden is the only multidisciplinary academic research institute in the Netherlands devoted entirely to the study of Africa. It has an extensive library that is open to the general public. It has a Disability section with access to research and policy on disability in Africa, and links to organisations involved in disability.
OT Seeker is an website belonging to the Department of Occupational Therapy at Queensland University, Australia. It aims to disseminate evidence based practice in occupational therapy. The extensive database also has papers on "rural rehabilitation" and "community based rehabilitation" which cut across the multi-disicplinary team.
Plan International researches and provides policy on Health, Child Protection, Education and Economic Security. They have publications on Disability - just use their search function to find all of them
Enablement believes that, in order to improve CBR practices, to be accountable to donors and governments and to make developments sustainable, research is essential. Studies are usually carried out in collaboration with professional research and educational institutions.