Vision And MIssion

Our Vision

High-quality, comprehensive, appropriate, accessible, and equitable rehabilitation services are provided within a PHC framework to all rural communities

Our Mission

To disseminate information and research on the health needs of rural people with disabilities, rural rehabilitation services and Primary Health Care policy development

  • To provide opportunities for members to network and articulate a united standpoint on appropriate rural rehabilitation services 
  • To provide the support and capacitation required to recruit, retain and inspire rural therapists.   
  • To influence the actions of the service delivery community in order to create/enable this vision.


Rural Rehabilitation Advocacy

Influencing policy: making our voices heard at DoH, JNF, Rehab Indaba, Professional Associations, VOICE, public, RuReSA “position” statements, comments on DoH Policy,

Go & Stay Rural (Cameron, Deshini, Lebo)

Learn rural: prepare students for rural practice through Curriculum Change
Recruit for rural community service: RuReSA & hospital talks at universities, Student talks, market student membership, feedback student concerns
Community Exit Survey: Why Young Professionals Stay
Rural Support: Mentorship programme (Sid link with SASP rural com servs), Provincial buddies Whats App
Rural career: Off the Beaten Track

Best Rural Practice (Olindah, Jana, Mike)

Recognition of Best Practice: Best rural rehab sites, RuReSA Award, Learn rural rehab: RuReSA CPD events, Rural health conference (Tina & Nolu),
RuReSA General Library MLW Library, Rural Research Group & library, publications