RuReSA CPD Activities

RuReSA OnBoarding 2025

RuReSA OnBoarding is an annual series of 8 multidisciplinary webinars in February and March to help you with common clinical conditions and some management ideas. Primarily for com servs but useful to anyone working rural as presenters are from "best practice" facilities. Follow us on social media or join RuReSA to get the adverts for the webinars. RuReSA members have access to webinars for free, and access to all webinars from previous years.

For more information regarding the CPD points system, feel free to download the document down below...
Take note -
These guidelines are not 
necessarily applicable for dually qualified Speech-Language Therapists and Audiologists.

RuReSA members also get notice of new CPD courses via Facebook & Google Group or the "news" page on the web.
CPD Point System Document

National organisations

  • Autism SA offers two 3 day workshops on practical and experimental handling of people with autism
  • Club Physio an international club for online and real time courses for physiotherapists and some courses on ethics
  • Developmental Gym offers an online resource centre and blog spot as well as courses on physiotherapy for children with movement disorders
  • Disabilities Study Africa offers short courses, and an M.Phil in Disability Studies focusing on disability as a human rights issue
  • Life Rehabilitation Continuing Programme for Neuro-Rehabilitation
  • National Association for Persons with Cerebral Palsy (NAPCP) will provide courses and workshops on request
  • Occupational Therapy Association of South African (OTASA)  provides a calendar of events, guidance on the CEU points system, CEU service providers and  a means to establish a CEU system at your practice site
  • South African Institute for Sensory Integration (SAISI) training in SI testing and intervention
  • South African Neurodevelopmental Therapy Association (SANDTA) introductory and advanced course for people working with children with CP or adults with brain trauma
  • South African Society of Hand Therapists (SASHT) open to therapists, assistants and students
  • South African Society of Physiotherapists (SASP) provide a calendar of events, guidance on the CEU points system, CEU service providers and  a means to establish a CEU system at your practice site
  • South African Speech-Language-Hearing Association (SASLHAguidance on the CEU points system, CEU service providers and  a means to establish a CEU system at your practice site
  • Tinyhandz has courses in signing with young children and people with special needs

CPD Online

  • Clinical Solutions correspondence course and real time workshops. Mainly physiotherapy but some general courses and ethics
  • CPD Direct  for Allied Health Professions. Free registration and access to tutorials, including ethics. Online submissions and certificates issued quickly.
  • AOSIS E-CPD offers a range of health related courses and a journal
  • World Federation for Physical Therapy provides access to journals (free) and online courses
  • Occupational Therapy Association of South African (OTASA)


  • All Provinces: check the professional association web sites for Special Interest Groups and Provincial Sub Groups in your area
  • Mpumalanga: Join the email network advertising courses and jobs
  • Western Cape: Western Cape Rehabilitation Centre (WCRC) provide regular training on Seating and Bobath techniques