Disability Rights

Purpose of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Branch:

Part of the department of Social Development that focuses on the empowerment and rights of persons with disabilities through accelerated mainstreaming of disability considerations and the strengthening of disability specific services.

  1. The legislative framework to protect and promote the rights of persons with disabilities strengthened 
  2. National Disability Rights Policy finalised and implementation tools developed
  3. Policy and legislation on social welfare services to persons with disabilities developed and implementation supported 
  4. Access to disability welfare services that promote dignity, empowerment and self-reliance improved
  5. Disability Inequality Index in place to track impact of service delivery on equitable outcomes for persons with disabilities

The branch also serves as Secretariat to the National Disability Rights Machinery as well as the Presidential Working Group on Disability.


Deputy Director General: Mzolisi Toni (MzolisiT@dsd.gov.za)
Chief Director: Advocacy : Lidia Pretorius (LidiaP@dsd.gov.za )
Director: Advocacy: Benny Palime (BennyP@dsd.gov.za)
Acting Chief Director: Governance & Compliance: Simmi Pillay (SimmiP@dsd.gov.za)
Deputy Director: Institutional Support and  Capacity Development: Ria Mathivha (MariaMa@dsd.gov.za)
Director: Disability Welfare Services: Manthipi Molamu (ManthipiMR@dsd.gov.za)

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